Halo InfiniteCampaign Storytelling & Cinematics Halo Infinite: Season 2 TeaserSeason 2 . Teaser Storytelling Halo Infinite: DISCOVER HOPEE319 . In-engine Narrative Trailer Halo Infinite: Announcement TrailerE318 . In-engine Demonstration HALO Octane TestsGPU rendering Halo VRVision Setting HALO NightfallTeaser & Short Films Nightfall: Second Stories Nightfall: SDCC Teaser Trailer 2012 ReelMontage of Work Up Till 2012 iOS Sticker PackFor the kids EmpireMFA Thesis 343 Industries: Vision Settingseek a better future HALO CrateSubscription Service HALO 5TEASER + Documentaries HALO ChannelFor Console Halo 4Trailers + Documentaries H4: Spec Documentary H4: Composing Worlds H4: A Hero Awakens H4: Return of the Forerunners H4: Infinity Multiplayer H4: Cinema Trailer H4: First Look H4: E312 Infinity Trailer H4: Concept Art Trailer H4: War Games Trailer H4: Launch TV Spot H4: UNSC Weapons Halo AnniversaryDocumentaries HCE:A Campaign BTS HCE:A Multiplayer BTS HCE:A Kinect BTS HCE:A Terminals BTS HALO WAYPOINTDOCUMENTARies HaloFest 2011: BTS Halo Waypoint: BTS SAVANNAH COLLEGE OF ART & DesignREBRANDS + CAMPAIGNS + PERSONAL WORK Revision Memory of Water Spike TV Network ID Dateline Rebrand Share Knowledge IMAGINARY FORCESSHOW PACKAGING VH1 Divas KING & COUNTRYnETWORK LAUNCH . SHOW PACKAGING The Roast of Joan Rivers Kellogg's Fiber Plus LOYALKASPARNETWORK LAUNCH Disney XD: Network Launch