Halo Infinite: XLT Pitch

343 Industries .  Halo Infinite . August 2017

Clarifying the Vision oF Halo Infinite

In August 2017, I transitioned from the Transmedia team to the Halo Infinite team. At the time, I was working on the early stages of a VR project, but after a conversation with my manager, I decided to move over to support the primary game team.

My motivation was clear: I wanted the game to succeed. The tentpole games were the primary revenue drivers, and, quite frankly, I wanted to ensure my role remained secure. There were widespread concerns about getting Project Olympus (later known as Halo Infinite) off the ground. I stepped in and offered to help refine and clarify its vision.

As part of this effort, I created a pitch designed for the Xbox Leadership Team. This pitch was initially a longer piece, later condensed to around 90 seconds for presentation. The intent was for studio leadership to use this video to convey the importance of the next chapter in Halo’s legacy and to remind everyone why the franchise mattered.

The project took me 2–3 months to complete from start to finish. It involved 40 one-hour interviews and approximately 15 unique VFX shots. It was an enormous undertaking. This video also featured, for the first time, the now-iconic shot of Master Chief holding his helmet. Following this project, I went on to direct Halo’s E3 showcases (2018 & 2019), as well as its narrative and cinematics, building on the foundation of this piece. I can truly say it was a labor of love.

Director: Dan Chosich
Editor: Dan Chosich
Camera: Dan Chosich
VFX & Motion: Dan Chosich

Shot on RED