2022 Goals

Why would you post this publicly? Accountability. I need to achieve these goals.


  1. Go out of your way to express appreciation. Force yourself to read these goals once a week.

  2. Focus on things in stages with clear goals. Be highly intentional.

  3. Allow yourself to fail without judgement and to have the grace to be undeterred. Seek resolve when frustrated.

  4. Do not believe your fleeting emotions are an objective truth. Do not be swayed by the experiences of others to dictate or define your own experience.

  5. Edit writing to be more brief and less repetitious.

  6. Remember your own accomplishments as a well of confidence to believe you are worthy and capable of being in the room.

  7. Be highly cognizant of how you are acting when no one is looking. Be a person that you would want to admire. Be a person of integrity.

  8. Reach out to your parents and brother more.

Work Improvement

  1. Continually rediscover a sense of joy in the collaborative process.

  2. Build up other people by sharing their accomplishments through work, videos, etc.

  3. Do more vision setting work and less hands-on work. Focus more on the act of inspiring versus the act of prescribing.

  4. Be more high level. Frame ideas in ways that people can add to them. If needed, frame ideas in multiple ways that elicit a sense of a user story. Use terms like, "What if..." or "Imagine..."

  5. Do not take on responsibilities or feelings of accountability for things that are not yours to own.

  6. Treat others how you'd like to be treated.

  7. Ask other people, including your boss, about their challenges and ways that they need help.

  8. Make a desktop background that states important concepts to remember:

    • Emotion is the enemy of oration.

    • Ask clarifying questions about challenges or believed intent.

    • Don't make assumptions.

    • Remove the judgement of your own experience.

    • Assume best intent. Ask about its scalability, usability, and deadlines for progress.

    • Be responsible for the energy you bring into a space.

  9. Rediscover the joy of an idea or of creativity. Do not focus on the challenge but focus on the opportunity and core concept that is begging to be expressed.

  10. Focus on what actually matters, the audience, the audience experience, the way the audience needs to feel at various stages and the core concepts inherent to a given experience.

  11. Ask and seek ways to further your own ability to be a better leader.

  12. Create checks and balances. This means create ways to check yourself at monthly intervals against the goals you've stated.

  13. Do not shoot for speed in any response but shoot for clarity.

  14. Do not allow work to command all parts of your life.

  15. Remember to enjoy the journey of the work as much as the projected destination. Remember to have fun.

  16. Do not assume other people have read, understand, or share any of your same thoughts. Articulate an intent and don't be upset to repeat something that has been stated elsewhere.

  17. Be grateful for every day you get to do something that fills people with a sense of joy, curiosity, and personal discovery.

  18. Seek stories with macro and micro journeys of discovery, questions, thematic universality, unfolding tension and release, humor, power struggles, clear conflict, clear opportunity, clear heroism, rebuilding, and actualization.


Prepare to be interrupted.